Monday 14 August 2017


For Art this term we are investigating and recreating different art forms from a range of countries and cultures. In these pictures we were trying to create mosaics, this came from India. We used cut up card (triangles and square shapes) and stuck them on A4 paper to make a cool shapes.

Swimming, Term 3

So far we have had a great start to swimming. Room 17 have already learnt so much and have awesome instructors at the Millennium. Here are a couple of photos at our swimming lessons.  

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Year 3 Speech Finals

Congratulations to Cynthia, Celina and Alex from Room 17. What a great achievement, you all put 100% into your speeches and made Room 17 very proud. 


Room 17 loved learning about the sport Badminton. Who knew there were so many different moves and techniques to learn!

Topic - Bird Feeders

What amazing inquiry Room 17 did on their topic. Using recycled items the students made their very own bird feeder this was done in pairs. All bird feeders were unique and different. 

Book Week

Room 17 had such a brilliant week during book week. They have great passion for reading and writing and enjoyed all the various events throughout the week.

Getting the door ready- all art displayed on our door was made by Room 17 students

Special guests reading to us 

Character Parade and Visiting class doors 

Friday 28 April 2017

Sleepover At School - Day 1

With the weather not going to plan we had a range of fun indoor activities throughout the day.
First we started with art, drama and sport then moved onto making planes.

In the afternoon we had a run around the fields and made marshmallow towers out of toothpicks and mini marshmallows.

For dinner we had a choice of 4 pizzas- cheese, vegetarian, pepperoni and hawaiian. Followed by free play in the hall then going back to our classroom to sleep for the night.